Calligram Project

 Dear future me,

20 years from now I hope to have gradated from the University of Tampa. Along with having a job somewhere in the psychology field and doing something that I actually enjoy doing. I don't where we will be living in the future but I will assume it will be somewhere good. As I am writing this I am 19 currently 20 years from now I will be 39 hopefully I will have kids and a husband and maybe a dog or 2. During those 20 years I hope I traveled to new places that I haven't been before. I can't wait to have a new car in a few years along with the life changes that I will face. I know people who I am friends with now will still be my friends 20 years later. Seeing the life changes I have faced only at 19 I'm excited for the up coming years to see where I will be in my life. I know with new experiences that I will face will help me grow and learn more to shape me to the person I will be in 20 years. Not knowing my future plans as of right now gives me hope and opportunity to figure out where I want to be and what I want to do. The job I hope to get in the future in working as a consular in a rehab place working with people who are struggling with drugs and mental health. I also can't wait to see what people look like in the future including myself, friends, and family. Seeing the new technology we will have makes me wonder how life will be like in 20 years or will it still be similar as in today's society. Lastly I hope we are still living good. 

Artist statement: 

I am essentially interested in the psychology field. Since my major is psychology what inspired me to want to create my image is a brain because psychology is the study of the mind. My vision is I wanted to create a brain to show a representation of psychology. I also wanted to add some color from the original photo. I started with the shadow on the bottom that reflects the brain. Next I use the pen tool to create the bottom, the brain outline, and the lines inside the brain. After that I used the text tool to place my letter on the lines. Finally I filled in the words with color. I was able to use the tools to create from the picture that inspired me to want to create it.  
